Tuesday 22 January 2019

My brain and me - Forever arguing

I have Alexa in the bedroom. She has lots of exciting skills installed including many nature sounds. I particularly like the tropical beach skill which I use to help me drift off to sleep. I try to think I’m on a desert island alone relaxed and with everything I need. Except my brain won’t let me

Me: OK so I wake up in my hammock
Brain: Hold on. When did you get a hammock?
Me: I just did OK and it’s strung under some woven leaves as a canopy 
Brain: Pffttt there’s no way you’d know how to weave leaves. 
Me: Shut up. So I wake up and go down to the waters edge to have a swim/wash
Brain: What about going to the loo? You gonna pee in the sea?
Me: I might. Or I will have dug a latrine
Brain: You know how to dig a latrine? How are you gonna not fall in
Me: there will be a seat of some kind. This is supposed to be relaxing....
Anyway I’m going for a swim
Brain: I wouldn’t. You know what kind of creatures hang out in tropical seas. Poisonous ones that’s what. 
Me: Not in my sea. This is a dream or fantasy, brain. So quit it
Brain: Fine. 
Me: So off I go for my swim
Brain: By the way what are you wearing?
Me: I don't know. Um a crop top and pants
Brain: You're letting the twins hang out? That's brave
Me: I'm all alone. OK I have a no-bra bra-top on
Brain: And pants. On a desert island. So your pant moustache will be flourishing. No topiary kit on a desert island...
Me: OK FINE I'm wearing cut off leggings in a cycling short stylee.
Brain: OK off you go.
Me: OK after my swim I shall go and look for fruit for breakfast
Brain: I have some questions
Me: <sigh> WHAT
Brain: Well firstly, how do you know what fruit is edible. Secondly how do you plan to get up any trees to get it. and THIRDLY...
Me: Well?
Brain: Thirdly, you wont have your medication with you so that lovely Bile Salt Malabsorption will kick in fairly sharpish meaning you'll be needing that latrine on a fairly regular basis. ESPECIALLY if you eat a lot of fruit.
Me: Well the island is full of fruit I recognise and I am able to climb up because the trunks are like palm trees with sort of steps and I will have to cope OK?
Brain: OK I'll be quiet
Me: Good I'm trying to relax here you know. OK So I have gathered a breakfast of breadfruit, papaya and mango
Brain: Um...
Me: What now?
Brain: You know you have no idea what breadfruit looks or tastes like?
Me: I'm using my imagination.
Brain: I shouldn't - That way madness lies...
Me: So then I go and rinse off under the waterfall
Brain: Oh hang on now!
Me: What now?
Brain: How big is this island?
Me: I don't know... small - It takes 2/3 days to walk all the way round.
Brain: OK that isn't going to work you know - Where is the fresh water coming from?
Me: I don't know, under the ground?
Brain: No there wouldn't be enough to power a waterfall and maintain the flow. Either the island has to be bigger or.... Well it just has to be bigger.
Me: Fine it's bigger
Brain: Then how do you know you're all alone?
Brain: OK well if you're going to be silly about it....

By which point I have to get up, google breadfruit, how to build a shelter and a latrine so that I can return to my daydream landscape fully equipped. Unfortunately this has also given my brain time to think...

Brain: Hey um is Saga on this island?
Me: I don't think so - How would Saga get there?

Brain: I don't know, it's your dream. It's just that she'd like to have a whole island to run about on and you need someone to talk to.
Me: Apparently I have you.
Brain: Yeah and look how well that's working out. Seriously I think Saga should be there.
Me: OK fine. Saga is there.
Brain: Great. What's she gonna eat?
Me: What?
Brain: Saga, what's she gonna eat? She can't eat nothing but fruit!
Me: Oh.... Um... Oh shellfish - I will become adept at catching shell fish in the shallow waters nearby.
Brain: That actually makes sense. OK off you go to sleep. I hope there aren't any predators on the island. G'night
Me: <Yawn> G'nighWHAT?????

Perhaps I'd be better off with a thunderstorm...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, for goodness sakes! You forgot to tell your brain that you're actually accompanied by your rather marvellous, extremely intuitive butler, who is there to source everything you need and cater to your every whim, almost before you know it. And then disappear soundlessly until you next need something. Tsk. You can't be leaving out details like that.
