Saturday 29 October 2011

Is it me?

Having a mental health condition can make your relationships with others a bit strained at times. You're convinced everyone is behaving "strangely" or they are all being "mean" to you. There might be a part of you that knows that this is statistically unlikely and it is far more likely that it is you who are being strange or paranoid. The problem is that that part tends to be very small and hides whenever an episode is ongoing, replaced by the louder voices declaring they "all hate you" and goading you to "get them before they get you".
Then, sometime later, when someone questions you about that fateful day, you are so ashamed by your behaviour but you can't explain it. Saying things like "I believed you were all conspiring together to bully me into leaving" does not a happy workplace make, no matter how understanding your colleagues.

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