Wednesday 26 October 2011

A beginning

I don't know if this will ever be read by anyone, but should this occur I feel I should give you fair warning. This blog will be full of bad language and monologues about poo, puppies and mental illness. What a combo, I hear you cry. Or not. It will, however be correctly spelled and grammatically correct. There may also be rants about the bad spelling and grammar of others and I give no apology for this. It is my blog and you can always go to Icanhazcheezburger if you need your fix of lol speak.

The bear suggested I try a blog as a way of writing without having anything specific to write about. To be honest, I thought he was bonkers at first. Then I signed up for NaNoWriMo and felt very silly as I had absolutely no idea what to write. So the idea of a personal blog came about. And here we are.

Dramatis Personae

I, me           The author. Analyst, programmer, mummy, wife, goddess botherer
The bear      Husband, daddy, carer, lover, all things
Juno            Larger of our two beagles, lover of poo, cuddles and mummy's pants
Dana            Smaller beagle, cuddlepot, snorer and accomplished flinger into parental arms.

Other chums, colleagues etc will be added as and when they appear.

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