Friday 21 December 2018

If I’m not me, who am I?

My very existence has been rocked this weekend as I have lost my job. That said, it almost definitely isn’t down the back of the sofa – I fear it has gone for good. I have been made redundant. I’m being let go, my life's going in a different direction, my body's part of a permanent outplacement, I’m resting, I’m in between roles... pick your favourite. 

I know this happens every day and I think many people feel this existential dread when it does – our self worth is so tied up in what we do and where we do it, how much money we make, what’s our job our level, that to suddenly lose that definition of ourselves can be devastating. As the days creep up I find myself zooming along on a rollercoaster of feelings. Joy that its Christmas and I get to see my wonderful family, fear that I haven’t found another role yet, anger that after 5 years of being “indispensable” I am suddenly very dispensable, love of my colleagues, many of whom are yer actual friends who are all being so supportive even if they are going through the same ghastliness themselves, terrible sadness at not working with those people anymore. And round we go again.

I suspect that post Xmas there will be a Period of Adjustment which may very well include sitting in my pants watching cartoons and eating crisps. But I need to set a time limit on that sort of self pity because it is all too easy to slip down the slide into depression and apathy and that way madness lies! And so I am going to Make A Plan.

My solution will be the use of a pair of goal and project books one which is lot mindfulness and one that helps you design and achieve goals, and an alarm clock.

To The Plan
First thing is Not Lying In Bed All Day. Hence the alarm. I have a tendency to sleep when low so the key will be to get up, shower and get ready for the day, even if that is just doing a few small tasks. Luckily I have The Beast. Saga will need feeding walking and looking after which will give the day structure. 

So I plan to set my self a minimum number of roles or contacts to find and apply for or network with – might be weekly, might be daily, I’ll see how it goes.

It has occurred to me that this would also be a perfect time to also start thinking about my lethargy and lack of exercise/poor diet. After all once I have completed my job app tasks I have the rest of the day free.

I will have to put in a reward system – Maybe some extra special treats. This ass needs more than a stick to make it go! Lots of lovely little carrots. 

Now that I have shared my plan with you, hopefully my desire not to lose face will spur me on through 2019!

See you on the other side!

1 comment:

  1. Onwards and upwards to even more wonderful things! In your own inimitable style.
