Monday 24 July 2017

What's the best feeling in all the world,

Every day, as soon as I realise I'm "done for the day", I got upstairs and change my clothes. Off come the jeans/trousers, top and bra and I pop on a supportive crop top, leggings and what I believe the Americans may call a sloppy joe but I call a long sleeved t shirt that's too big for me. And.... relax. That moment when the last hook clicks and the underwires fall away to release my caged boobies... That is heaven.

And it's not just me - Head over to any social media spot and you'll find the acroynm BRT (Bra Removal Time) being banded about by people like comedienne Sarah Milican and lauded by women everywhere.

What is it about bras that make them so unbelievably uncomfortable? It doesn't matter what the brand, where they're from or how much they are. Even if you take an hour or two out of your day to go and get the ladies measured properly and expertly stuffed into those satin cups, by the end of the day, something is pinching or scratching or sticking in to your soft fleshy parts. And you have paid upwards of £30 for the privilege. 

For those of you thinking "why doesn't she just go bra-less then? That is not an option. Being of A Certain Age, and of a Certain Weight with, like the fallen Madonna, the "Big Boobies", I do require some support lest the ladies take the eye out of a colleague. I am in fact in the "can't wear a buttoned shirt" brigade that so many of us find ourselves in. So off I pop back to lovely Bravissimo to hand over my credit card  whilst a young lady literally stuffs me into something that could probably be used to take on Goliath.

And for those of us in the Over DD bucket, buying cute sexy things isn't really on unless your credit card is made of sterner stuff than mine! That pretty flowery lacy set? Nope. Not for the likes of us. We have huge satin numbers, in black nude and white with the occasional teal and purple for WILD times. Got a cute strappy top? Tough - you're also sporting inch wide straps with metal sizing thingummy. And never ever suggest to an H cup that she might like something strapless!

So, to return to the title of this thread, I have an acquaintance who is in the unusual position, being a male to female transition, of knowing both what taking your bra off and what scratching your balls feels like. And I have it on good authority that taking your bra off wins. So there you have it. Empirical evidence. Taking your bra off at the end of the day is officially the best feeling in the world.

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