Monday 26 June 2017

An ending and a beginning

They say as one door closes another opens and I believe it. I believe the universe has a planned pathway and if you exist in harmony with that way you will find life sweet. If you challenge and fight then life will be bitter.

I know, I'm paraphrasing The Way of the Tao and using the Vinegar Tasters to help with my analogy. I'm not that philosophical or deep on my own. 

Last year was a year of change. Characters have left the stage and new ones made their entrance. As with my first post, I shall introduce them to you

Exeunt: Bear, now known as The Ex who has chosen to leave the tale and start a new path. 
Dana and Juno - my darling girls. Who needed more than either he or I could give individually and have found happiness with a new family. 

Dramatis Personae II
Saga aka The Beast. A fearsome warrior whose tales shall be told in The Saga Saga. 
The Scientist. A gentleman and a scholar. 

And of course yours truly, the strange little girl herself. Still making her way through the world and trying to find joy in everything. 

So my dear readers, 2016 has drawn to a close and 2017 is already half way though. Let's choose not to remember 2016 as the year just about everyone great died. Let's instead choose to think of all the wonderful new beginnings that have begun and the green shoots pushing up through the earth. Let's think of Rio de Janeiro. Let's think of the no longer endangered manatee population.  Let's think of Pokémon Go. No. Let's not think of Pokémon Go. For as King Arthur did say "'Tis a silly place." I have missed blogging here and I have some tales to tell so are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin....

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