Tuesday 28 May 2013

A good support network is like a good bra...

It's been a while, I know, poem notwithstanding. I have been pretty poorly having had a major depressive episode that I am only just now coming out of (3 months later). Throughout this time I have been totally reliant on my husband-carer and my support network, and they have been terrific. The doc did his bit, but as this episode has a very definite cause, there wasn't much he could do, apart from give me the necessary certificates.

Having a support network is a vital part of crawling out of a bipolar hole. From the friend who said "Come for dinner. You don't even have to stay and chat, just come and eat." To the chum who texted me all through the day to make sure I was awake alive and aware. From all my onine chums, making me laugh and feel like i belong, to the chum who kept me up to date with what was going on at work and sent me such lovely messages. These are the people who help you to see a better day is on its way. They are also a support network to Bear, taking him out when he needs to get away from the sobbing ball of snot, offering an ear and a beer!

I'm slowly becoming myself again. Taking each day as it comes. Sometimes I have rubbish nights which lead to "small" days, where everything is difficult and tiring. But they are getting fewer and I can usually see them coming.

It is thanks to Bear and my wonderful support network that I am here today. And that I can smile. You are the bra of my emotions: soft, supportive, you give me shape and Bear hope, and you're a relief to get rid of at the end of the day!!

1 comment:

  1. Make you 'feel like you belong'? You not only belong, you are VITAL! Vital, I tells ya! Where else would we find such humorous and spot on insights, all wrapped up in excellent grammar? Exactly. I rest my case.
