Thursday 27 December 2012

Crushing the crush embargo

I always seem to have a crush on someone. Sometime it will be a friend, a work colleague or someone I've just seen on the street. Suddenly they are aglow. My heart pounds a little faster in their presence, my brain turns to jelly and I become a giggling schoolgirl incapable of intelligent discourse. This can be rather embarrassing, especially if its someone with whom I have previously had a good relationship.
My ever loving bear is supportive of my little crushes. He knows he's the only one for me. And crushes go as suddenly as they arrive, leaving me wondering what on earth I was thinking! Because a really good crush isn't the famous and handsome actor from the blockbuster. Oh no. My crushes are strange and unusual people, often with a searing intellect and corresponding lack of social skills!
My first ever crush was my father's business partner. To this day the smell of pipe smoke makes me weak of the knee and giddy of the soul. Then in my early teens, the boy downstairs captured my heart. Albeit briefly for I was a fickle young thing. My papa used to announce "It's Lillekat and her men"!
Aged 18 and living in a hall of residence, our flat all were crushing on the upstairs flat, although I was the only one besotted with a third year student, A, who was a brilliant mathematician. This culminated in me getting very very drunk and calling up to A, shouting "I do love you!" I will always remember his patient "Yes, yes, I love you too." So kind, so dismissive! He broke my heart and he never even knew!
Later crushes were variations on the theme of brilliant intellectual. I was crushing on one lecturer so much, I couldn't concentrate when he was behind me and being the only girl in my class did not help! My classmates tormented me terribly about this and I spent much of my undergrad life pink with girlish embarrassment!
These days it's work colleagues who worm their way into my affections. And then get kicked out by their successor, never to return to my crushing bosom.
I read a fantastic word on Facebook, sapiosexual; defined as being sexually attracted to intellect. That's me. It really is brains not brawn that turn me on. And looking at the popularity of Prof Brian Cox, I'm not alone! PhDs are very sexy ;-) I refer you to Dr Sheldon Cooper
So don't be afraid of having a crush. There's nothing wrong with you, and you don't love your partner any the less. But it can make the day a little more fun and just a little exciting. After all you never know who you might meet...

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