Wednesday 6 June 2012

Dragons are for life, not just for Hogswatch

It began innocently enough. The Bear asked me to download an app for a game he was enjoying. All I had to do was go in once a day and send him a 'gem'. Easy.

So dutifully, whenever I remembered, I would do the necessary. After a couple of weeks I noticed changes: dragons had appeared where none had been. There were now little cash boxes floating around. I clicked on one. It made a lovely tinkly noise as of money clinking onto a hoard. I clicked on a dragon. It had a name. I name I could change if I wanted to. I found I did want to.

Bear admitted that he had also been playing on my game when I had been asleep and had set me up with said dragons and their 'habitats'.

Fast forward three weeks and I now had a whole host of dragons, all personally named by me (Asgard, Midgard, Utgard and my cold dragon Hel; d'you see what I did there?). They all needed feeding up, have habitats built and then..... Then I could breed them.

Those concerned with propriety can rest easy. Dragons breed by flying around a cave for a few hours and then produce an egg. The egg sits in a special hatchery until it is ready to hatch.

And here we are. The whoop of smug achievement when I realised I had bred a pearl dragon before Bear, could be heard at the end of the garden and I have been overheard saying "Hold on, just checking on my dragons". When did I become this person? And how do
I stop? Do I want to stop? Hmmm not until I've managed to breed a rainbow dragon at least. Now if you'll excuse me there are some tinkly cash boxes what need clicking on.

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