Wednesday 29 February 2012

Minty fresh inside and out

Mint is everywhere. We like to suck it to freshen our mouths, we chew it to
appear cool; we drink it to help with upset tummies, mix it with chamomile
to make a sleepy time drink palatable. We use it on our bodies with
Original Source shower gel and in our mouths as toothpaste, powder and
mouthwash. We love mint, be it peppermint, spearmint, ginger mint, water
mint to name but a very few.

I take my daily mint quota in the form of a capsule of peppermint oil for
my IBS symptoms. So far it does seem to be doing a pretty good job,
although I do have some odd side effects. The most noticeable is that my
poo not only has a rather minty scent, it also has that archetypal fresh
feeling in my bot. Sometimes this can be positively menthol. I've tried to
delicately enquire of fellow IBS sufferers if they too are minty fresh
inside and out, but they tend to look at me blankly.

The upshot is that I'm a bit off mint at the mo - I'm even thinking of
branching out into non minty toothy paste. As long as I can find one that
tastes good and is for sensitive teeth and cleans well and does not cost
the earth. Luckily the Bear has finished his minty shower gel and is back
on the patchouli loveliness that is Tramp.

And that is why I shall say no thank you to the polo. Oh and Extra Strong
Mints make me sneeze.


  1. When i take colpermin (which isn't so often if i am strict with the food) I too am minty on the inside. p.s. best sensitive non minty toothpaste is the Aloe Dent Sensitive


  2. I haven't found that particular side-effect with Colpermin (although I don't take it often now I'm medicated up to the eyes with other stuff!) but I do use a herbal toothpaste rather than a minty one. The change did occur around the time I was regularly using Colpermin so I'm wondering if it was a natural reaction...?!

    I won't offer you an Extra Strong Mint but are you sure you wouldn't like some mint choc chip ice-cream...?
