Friday 3 February 2023

Here be Karens

I think I have finally figured out how and why perfectly normal people become Karens. I think it takes one incident, not resolved that goes on and on and on….. Say, for example, plucking a subject out of the air, the bins.


Important info before we start


I pay council tax as do my neighbours

We live in a private cul de sac and therefore have to take our bins down to the junction with the next road.

This road is a thoroughfare for many many students returning home after a trip to the library that ended up with body shots.

This means a lot of bins get knocked over (hilarious), the wrong things put in them (please don’t put your wine bottle in my paper bin) and in one case, thrown up in (I don’t want to talk about it.)

All our bins are now on a two weekly cycle, emptied on Thursdays. One week Blue for paper and the next Grey, Brown and Green for general, tins & glass and garden/food respectively.

It should be noted that I determine whether bins have been approached by bin men by going round the corner and checking their bins.


We are now in early February. My blue bin (paper and card) has not been emptied since before Christmas, despite many emails to the council. A month ago they told me it had been collected a couple of days prior. I go down. Nope all bins still full. But believing the email, I bring my bin back (see above issues with leaving bins). 2 hours later the blue bins are emptied. I tell you I almost cried. A fortnight later, again not collected. The response “We’ll send you some blue bags to tide you over”. And here we are again with full bins (and bags) being blown about and knocked over.


Lets look at the brown bin. That’s your tins and glass. Not too full for me but for the rented homes with 4 people drinking a bottle of wine each per night, quite an important one. Again not emptied. I wait a day to allow for delays and then fill in the rather patronising form to investigate “Did you put it out? Are you sure? Really sure? Was it just you or did your neighbours get missed? We will check”. The response. “This investigation is closed” I reply “Please don’t close the investigation before you have actually resolved the problem” “Our records show the bin men came yesterday evening.”


Now I want to speak to the manager.