Tuesday 7 September 2021

All by myself… I’m happier. All by myself

So I’ve been cruising the dating apps for a while with no success whatsoever. That’s not to say people aren’t swiping. They are. I’m just not into it. Meanwhile Saga and I have been hanging out with chums, going out for coffee and even taking a short break. Just me and her. And it has been fabulous 

Then last week I had an epiphany. A man approached me in the park. Around my age. Not bad looking. Socks and sandals but not a deal breaker. Started chatting about films, food etc and asking questions and I responded.  And then he asked about lockdown. I waxed lyrical about how we had loved it. Bring at home and not seeing people. And then he said it.
“But haven’t you missed cuddling up to netflix?” And my whole body froze. I almost physically recoiled. 
“No. No. Definitely not. No.” I stammered. 

Later that night I was pondering my reaction when it hit me. I don’t want anyone hanging around in my life, sitting on my sofa, eating my crisps. I work hard and I’m happy with my situation. I certainly don’t want to “settle” with someone on Tinder.  I’m not ready to snuggle up to anyone right now. It’s hot and I wouldn’t like it. 
As soon as I said this, it felt like a weight had lifted. I promptly cancelled all my subs and ended up laughing in my living room because I was so happy. 
That’s not to say I will avoid all company. If the right one drops in for a night or a year I will welcome them, I’m just not gonna go looking for them. 
Should anyone turn up, they will need to pass the ultimate test. Saga sleeps with me. You wanna also sleep with me, you sleep with her. She kicks.