Thursday 15 July 2021

Saga Puppywulff gets territorial

Most of the time Saga is a dream to take out. She curls up on a chair or her blanket or my lap and just snoozes. So you do get a little complacent. Same when we’re off for a stroll.  Mostly Saga isn’t interested in other dogs. She just wants to find a really good stick and maybe catch a squirrel  or two. 

I had popped into a well known tax avoiding coffee chain, purchased my Italian sized, non coffee, non fat milky drink and settled down in a chair. Saga was snuggled on my lap and we were very relaxed. 

Out of the blue I felt her body tense. She was straining on the lead and growling loudly. In her eye line was a large squat pug. Who was just standing and staring. Like pugs do. I like to think the conversation went a little something like this

Saga: You there! Yes you! You! Doggy! Go Away! Don't you come near my mummy! I don't think I like you! No, I don’t like you. I don't like you at all

Me: Shush <holds mouth>

Pug: _____

Saga: Yeah? Yeah? Come over here and say that! Well don't cos I don't want you near my mummy. She's my mummy you hear? In your face you... you... dog! Go away! <Note: This should be stronger but I am loathe to make my baby a potty mouth>

Me: Saga, he’s not doing anything just ignore him

Pug: _____

People at next table: Aw bless. Look at that dog. They are really cross. That's so funny <giggle>

Saga: You bet I’m cross. I hate you I hate you I hate you

<Pug and owner leave>

Saga: That’s right you’d better go. I can still smell you you little rat fink

Me: For gods sake Saga, he’s gone

Saga: Yeah well <grumble grumble>