Sunday 21 February 2021

It doesn’t stop being magic just because you know how it works

If you were to ask, I’d tell you my favourite season is Autumn. The smells, the colours, the weather. I love it all. But every year I get the warm feelings for spring. And particularly the signs of early spring.

The beast and I went to the park today. We hadn’t been for a couple of days because of the storms but wow! What a difference.
Instead of a barren landscape, the grass was littered with the delicate bells of snowdrops and the colourful almost paint like stripes of crocuses. The lovely people of the council come by each autumn and bulb us up with glades of flowers and it looks magical. Like the Disney fairies have come and sprinkled their fairy dust all over the park....
Yeah ok I know. It’s not fairies. It’s something far more mysterious. Nature. But when you see it, it’s magic. And it doesn’t stop being magic just because you know how it works.