Friday 27 November 2020

Lillekat’s Lockdown List

It’s been a heck of a year hasn’t it? I remember that fateful day in March when we were planning a “system test” of working from home and suddenly we were all in lockdown and there wasn’t anyone in the park. Queuing for the supermarket, no loo roll, learning the intricacies of Teams and the way Zoom cut out after 45 minutes. Ahh halcyon days.
After a while I began to try and adopt some better habits which I think have kept me <mostly> sane throughout this time, and in case this might prove handy to you, I’ve decided to share. Think of it as my gift to you ;)

Here we go with Lillekat’s Lockdown List
  • Finding mindfulness works for me, I’ve been trying to incorporate it into my day. For something that literally takes 10 mins, it’s amazing how hard it can be to “find time” to do it. But I try. If you fancy giving it a go, I use the Calm app which works for me. 
  • I get dressed every day. And pop on the old make up and do my hair. Casual dress, but I can go out at the drop of a hat. Oh and I wear a bra. Every day. 
  • This is the big one. Get outside. The beast and I go for a walk every day. In the summer months it was a happy stroll, at least twice a day, but as she refuses to go out after dark, we have a definite walk in the morning and I try to get out at lunch time too. 
  • I try and get up the same time every day. Don’t always manage it as I’m naturally lazy and the meds make me sleepy but having a routine is important to keeping your cool
  • Thinking of routine, I shower every morning. It wakes me up and as I often find one of the first things to go in depression is personal hygiene, it’s a good check on my mood.
  • I work from home. I’m lucky to have a study, but having a specific area you go to to work is important. Staying in bed or snuggled on the sofa doesn’t give enough delineation between work and fun.
  • Stay in touch. Even I, an anti social so and so, have zoom calls, phone calls, text chums and keep attached with social media. Otherwise you end up have philosophical debates with your dog #nojudgement

i think I was made for lockdown- it suits me and my temperament. You might not be so lucky. Do what you need to do to stay sane and if my little lockdown list helps at all, then that is a bonus.

Stay safe everyone.