Saturday 29 February 2020

The cry closet

Well here we are again! You may have noticed a severe lack of blogs lately. That’s because I’ve been trying my hand at other kinds of writing. Fanfic mostly but also my own fiction <ooh>. But from time to time a blog is needed. Like now.
Yesterday was not a good day. It was the ultimate bad day at the end of a bad coupla weeks. Work was stressful. As it often is. But my meds weren’t doing their job which meant that

  1. My other meds were being flushed through too quickly meaning I was what you could call totes emote
  2. My body was dehydrated meaning I was getting headaches and not sleeping
And that led to migraines. Neat how it all ties together right?

Now whilst there may have been mitigating circumstances (see above), that did not excuse me losing my temper with a colleague (or him losing his temper with me). There was a little shouting and then some hugging. But I knew I had stepped out of bounds. And this upsets me. And of course as mentioned, I am totes emote, and so was feeling sad and vulnerable.
As all good humans do, I decided to go to the ladies loo for a wee and a snuffle. I was snuffling away in my cubicle when I heard the door open, causing me to try and stem my snuffle. Then I heard the snuffle of another. There were two of us crying in the loo, for heaven’s sake. I did the only mature thing and exited the cubicle to come red eye to red eye with a colleague from another team. We exchanged glances, ageeed the loo wasn’t the best place to hide as “people keep using it as a bathroom!” and went our separate ways. 
I wasn’t quite ready to rejoin my team so I sat on the stairs for a bit out of the way until I had regained my poise.

Why am I writing this? Well firstly I am still feeling sad and vulnerable and blogging helps me deal with that. But the even reminded me of an article I read about the University of Utah adding a crying closet to their library.
Cry closet!

And I wondered if workplaces should maybe have a cry closet too. A small space for colleagues to go and have a 10 minute snuffle, when it all gets too much.
The one in Uni Utah (UofU?) has soft toys for a snuggle and is “a safe place for stressed out students”. I would like one of them.