Thursday 4 January 2018

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Have you ever been sitting in your chair, in front of the telly and you get up for a moment to find the remote control and when you return, a small creature is curled up in your spot? Or got up out of bed in the middle of the night to go for a wee and as you get back into bed, you find someone or something nestled in the bed? Then you may have been a victim of Warm Spot Thievery or WaST


WaST is usually perpetrated by smaller domesticated animals who seize the opportunity to snuggle into a spot that has been warmed by a human body. The perpetrator or WaSP will wait patiently for you to vacate a sofa, bed or chair before nipping in, curling up and looking for all the world like they have always been there. You may even doubt that you were in fact sat there and look around to see if you were in fact sat somewhere else. Meanwhile the WaSP will stick their nose into their bottom, flatten their ears and ignore any cajoling you might try.


WaST victims are now fighting back with the advent of support groups where you can discuss your WaST attacks with other victims and receive sympathy, share ousting techniques and generally support one another over a cup of tea, safe in the knowledge that if you reach for a biscuit, no one will steal your seat.


Warm Spot Thievery can no longer hide in the shadows. It is out there. It could be happening to someone you know right now. Lets bring an end to this criminal activity.


Say it with me: My spot is my spot even if I do get up for a few minutes.



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