Friday 15 December 2017

I’ve been to paradise. And now...

In all my adult life I have never been alone. I've gone from chap to chap in a move known to my father as "retreating to previously prepared positions". Even now though I live without human interference company, I have my little beastie around to talk to and to snuggle. Until last week...

I’ve just had yet another birthday. As usual I took the week off work as I usually like to go away for a few days. Unfortunately the scientist missed my subtle hints of “I want to go away with you for my birthday” and wasn’t able to get the time off. The beast was already booked on her holidays so suddenly here I was to be all alone at home. A little nervous at first, I was lucky to have friends rallying round to take me out and the scientist did manage 1 day to spend with me, but I spent my actual birthday all alone.

It was amazing. I got up when I wanted to and opened my cards. Then I took the bus to the Trafford Centre which is not so hellish when you are chilled and not trying to do anything specific. Did some shopping, had brunch, pottered. Then home to make myself a birthday cherry bakewell cocktail and a lamb and home grown lettuce sandwich. A little snooze before my piece de birthday resistance. I had a ticket to see A Muppet Christmas Carol on the big screen. Best Christmas film and I'd never seen it at the cinema. Now here it was on my birthday. 

Got there too early of course so I had a treaty hot chocolate with whipped cream to while away the time. Then I picked all MY favourites for the pick and mix and I got a blue AND red ice blast to boot. I had the best seat. just behind the walkway so plenty of leg room and great view. Sang along, laughed, cried, marvelled at the people saying they had never seen it before (where have you been) and then toddled home to snuggle down in my bed. Alone. No sharing the covers. No compromise. Just me.

I discovered something this week - I'm OK on my own. I like my own company. I have fun with me. My week was interspersed with lovely treats from friends and loved ones and then there were days when it was just me. Best week ever.

The beast is back now - She had a fantastic week too judging by the pics but I'm glad to have her home. Time to pack up and send the Christmas gifts. Wishing you all the most joyous of times xx