Saturday 4 November 2017

Teeny tiny buckets

Gosh it’s been months hasn’t it? I can only apologise! 

Today I’ve been thinking about bucket lists. Lots of us have one. And we have all kinds of things on them. 
See the Northern Lights
Swim with wild dolphins
Go to Bali and stay in an eco resort
Etc etc

By the way these aren’t mine. These are ones Other People have mentioned. But they look very bucket listy don’t they. They fulfil the bucket list criteria:
  • They are big
  • They are expensive
  • They are far away
  • They probably aren’t achievable. 
But why should our hopes and dreams be so huge and unobtainable? Why not have a mini bucket list as well? Full of all those little things you would love to do or to have or to go. Things or places that you may just be able to do. And then you can celebrate that you've crossed something off your bucket list. You’ll feel good, and maybe, people will think you’re cool. Which is after all a bit difficult now none of us smoke!

To start you off here are some of my little buckets
  1. To go to Bath
  2. To go to Whitby
  3. To own a Jo Malone perfume ✅ 
  4. To go to a day spa ✅ 
  5. To find a comfortable bra (I appreciate this is a big one)
  6. To see Shakespeare in Stratford ✅ 
  7. To own a globe bar ✅ 

You can see I’ve done quite a few on this list already. And for the record Jo Malone perfume is no better than the Body Shop but ten times more expensive. It does come in more glamorous packaging if that helps...

The globe bar is exactly as cool as I thought it would be. Even cooler at times. And a fat girl IS welcome in a spa. Hurrah

If anyone can recommend an underwired bra that goes up to H cup, doesn’t itch or poke you in your fleshy bits but costs less than £30, you know where to find me!