Wednesday 21 December 2016

Say no more to the walk of shame and hello to the Stride of Pride!

So there I was, 7:15 in the morning, in the centre of town. Black patent heels in hand (ballet pumps on), short evening dress looking a tad rumpled, hair which had been described by the gentleman I had left in his bed, as "bedded"; when I realised with a start, I was doing the walk of shame. Here I was forty mumble mumble, and I was in Manchester city centre doing the Walk of Shame. But I wasn’t ashamed. I was smiling. In fact I was grinning at every 'suitably' dressed person I saw. Why yes, my smile wanted to say, I did have sex last night. Yes it was amazing. Oh yes, and this morning. How kind of you to notice. Went to the bus stop. Queue of business attire and me. Brilliant. Oh are you all going to work? I smiled. I'm just going home… I was on that bus proud as punch. I was in fact doing the Stride of Pride.

Why a walk of shame? Is it because if we are leaving early in the morning, something is amiss? Is the assumption that we will never see this person again? Is it because we are in last night's clothes, we obviously didn’t 'plan' this escapade so it is some how tainted?

Nowadays we all have commitments and mine included having to be back at my house early. I only wanted to take an evening bag out with me so an entire outfit change was just not possible. And at my age skulking in the shadows isn't really a 'thing'. And besides I am a newly separated middle aged woman who apparently has not lost it after all. I embraced my early morning appearance as denizen of the night and strode with my head held high.

A much younger colleague mentioned that she had taken a very expensive taxi once to avoid doing the "walk of shame" and she was amazed that I had taken a bus. I can only put this down to age experience. Perhaps when you are young you want to be seen as pure, innocent. At my age you want people to know!

We live in a world where we have more sexual liberty than ever before. And yet we still use phrases that denigrate us for being sexually active - S/he's a tart, a tramp, a slut. Doing the walk of shame is just another way of putting you down for the choices you make. Well I say no more! If you were lucky enough to find someone who you wanted to see naked and who wanted to see you naked then good on you both! I hope you both had a great time. And if one of you has to leave early for some reason then remember: you are not ashamed. You are not doing a walk of shame. You are proud! You are doing the Stride of Pride! And more power to you!