Wednesday 25 May 2016

Open letter

You don't know me. We've never met, never corresponded. And I don't think we ever will. But I need to tell you about the wonderful gift you have been given. 

We went to choose just one puppy from the litter. 10 minutes later he had one tiny ball of fur asleep in the palm of his hand and I had another trying to suckle from my thumb. We were lost. We visited them every week until they could come home with us. They were both named for goddesses. Because to us they were divine.

Their first Christmas two of our guests had new cameras and they were the paparazzi to our babies' stars. All day they were photographed and videoed and generally spoiled and adored. 

I'm afraid the spoiling continued. We found a day care facility that had "quiet time" with doggy movies and classical music, visits from Santa and even dressing up for Halloween trick or treating!

2 years ago their middle age was interrupted by the arrival of a rescue pup. They didn't flinch, just snuggled her in. As her baby teeth started to go sh got a bit bitey but they were both really tolerant and only occasionally ran off or held her down with a maw or a paw. Now the three of them snuggle together in their bed or ours. And it's just lovely to see. 

Our lives have changed suddenly and dramatically and we talked over every possible option before coming to the devastating conclusion that we had to give them up. And that's where you come in. You will get to have two of the most amazing, loving, friendly dogs and you will get to look into those big brown eyes and know the world is better just for having them with you. I envy you that. But I'm glad that they will have you to take care of them and to love them as much as we did.

So here's the lowdown skinny. Juno is independent, preferring to sleep on her own or with her sister. She rarely comes for a cuddle but will play with a ball for hours. Dana is more soppy. She loves to sit on the sofa next to you with her head in your lap or on your feet. They will both do pretty much anything for a bicky. They love melon, carrots and ice. In fact Dana had been known to get so cold from eating snow and ice that she shivers! They aren't keen on brushing but they will tolerate it without argument. They will comfort you when you are sad and make you smile with their antics. They have both taken care of us for 8 years. They have been the best decisions we ever made and the most wonderful companions. We will miss them always. 

Thank you for choosing Dana & Juno. They deserve the very best. And that's you.