Sunday 5 April 2015

Out and proud, flying colours

After a Facebook chat with a chum who is also the parent of an autistic son, i started to think about how we can let people know we might be a bit different when we look just the same. This can be particularly problematic at work where one persons dashed off email is another's disastrous response that they will brood over for days.  

I decided to trial a signature on my work email. Had a chat with the wellbeing guys who thought it was a tip top idea. On Bipolar day I made the change and my emails now all proudly sport this:

It seemed especially poignant to be sporting my colours when the media was hammering mental health and work as a result of the tragic German plane crash. 

After a couple of days I put it in a different colour. That's right, people, I went all out. 

So far I've had one comment. From someone who knows me. 

But maybe just maybe I'll spark some conversation, a question or two and a little more understanding.