Friday 8 March 2013

London Bridge didn't fall down, so there's still hope.

New house is starting to reveal its hidden flaws. As the plaster comes off, so the cracks in the brickwork start to become evident. Under the carpet, underlay so old, it's mostly dust particles and under that? Cracked and uneven concrete.
The monies put aside for new windows and a new kitchen are being funnelled into the builder fund. Friends of friends of friends are being marshalled into the fold of professional air suckers and head shakers and we are spending our days off showing different bits to different chaps with clipboards.

To answer your immediate question (and I can say this with some authority as both the people I spoke to today have asked it): no it wasn't on the survey. And the follow up question? No they are not responsible.

My sister asked "What made you think this was a good idea?" And I have to admit, the same thought has strolled across my mind once or twice. But I still feel happy whenever I'm there. Even with the wallpaper and plaster everywhere. It is a happy house. And I love the location. One day it will be perfect. And I will look back on this blog and laugh. One day...