Friday 19 October 2012

Psst! Wanna buy a house

So we're for sale. The house that is. After 4 very happy years here, we have finally come to terms with the fact that 4 bedrooms plus cellars really is a tad large for our needs.
And we have stuff. We have managed to accumulate stuff in every room. Where does it all come from? I know our bins are overflowing, we eBay and go to the Tip quite regularly and we're always trying to get chums to "take things home". And yet.... Each and every room is packed to the drawstrings with nick nacks, boxes of interesting paraphernalia, useful swathes of ribbon, assorted magical kit, a steam engine, a wizard's staff (with a knob on the end) and several cuddly toys.
We are attempting to sort, clarify and declutter. But what to do with these things? Too good to chuck, too bulky for eBay and too weird for Oxfam, we move our clutter from room to room, making tiny changes on the way.
Meanwhile the lovely chaps from Trading Places have been, photographed and measured us to within an inch and created the profile to wow the world across the media. In fact when I look at their work, I fall in love with our house all over again! Worth a glance on Rightmove doncherknow.
When I told chums we were in the market for being on the market, a couple of very supportive types responded with "Really? Us too. Been up for over a year now..." And like all sellers before me I smiled and silently said "Yeah but that's you. Not me."
We've had a couple of viewings but no bites yet. I know I shouldn't worry, it's only been a few weeks. And yet....
It's all those lovely chaps at Trading Places' fault. With their Twitter. And their sales and their agreeds and their viewings. Last week was the last straw. "@tradingplacesea: Just agreed an asking price offer on a property that's been on the Market under 24 hours!! #veryhappyclients"
S'not my house. Posts like these make me most petulant and miffy-moo. Why not my house? What's wrong with my house? We happen to have been very happy here!
Selling a house is very strange. On the one hand you really really want to sell. You want to leave. On the other you are fiercely protective of your choice of colour in the living room, the tiles in your kitchen. Surely everyone can see the potential and opportunity in your home. Surely they see the bargain they would be getting? Surely they are battering down the estate agents door as we speak... Surely?

Sorry? You want the link? Well of course you do...