Sunday 9 September 2012

All change!

The household has undergone some rather dramatic changes recently. After being my carer for 5 long years, the Bear is finally free to pursue a career. He has been my support, my comforter, my cook, my memory and my all. Because of him I am now able to function pretty much normally. Well most of the time!
Of course he sacrificed a great deal to do this, primarily his own professional life, so I am so pleased and proud that he is finally able to have a life of his own again.
His new beginning meant another change. This time for our babies. They are used to having someone there 24/7 and frankly they could be quite destructive when left to their own devices (see exhibit A).
After much googling, calling, emailing and heart searching, we stumbled across Wags, a dog day care facility. We went for a visit and saw a pack of happy hounds playing, along with several "teachers". A long chat with the owners revealed that they were as bonkers as us. Sold!
The deal was struck. A pet taxi would pick up the girls at 7:30, transport them to Wags. There, they would spend the day in 'structured play' with some training, playing with toys and ganes and running about with the other dogs. They would definitely learn to share, something Dana has never really come to terms with!
We're not sure what goes on at doggy day care as mummies and daddies are not allowed. We get pictures tweeted throughout the day and the occasional video. What I can say with certainty is that the munchkins are knackered! Come the weekend it's all they can do to get off the bed and they love a lazy Friday with their mummy.
I felt that I needed to make a change to keep up. So I have embarked on a healthy eating jaunt. So far so good and I've even given thought to doing sone exercise..... I've bought a sports bra... Best have a sit down!