Friday 10 August 2012

Revelling in the trivial

There's an alarming trend spreading across social media sites: that of the political or very serious and private statement. I'm forever seeing tweets or updates positing a fairly controversial statement combined with a horrific picture, presumable to shock or to gain support for this movement or that one. Now I have no problem with people having political views. But is social media the best place to platform your beliefs? Join a political party, campaign for a charity but leave my Facebook alone. I don't want to view mutilated pets whilst commuting across Manchester on the Metrolink. I want to see humorous updates about new shoes, pictures of puppies being cute and videos of Lego men re-enacting movies. It's 8 o'clock in the morning for chrissake.
Don't use Facebook or twitter to live out the dissolution of your relationship. I appreciate s/he done you wrong and that's fine but remember, posts on the
Internet are forever. Is this how you want to be remembered? If you have kids what will they think? Do you really think they won't see it? And what happens when you make up? Or when you realise that perhaps s/he did not do you as wrong as you thought and then what? If you're having a row, have a row. Your neighbours probably already know. Leave your online buddies out of it.
Although there is this awesome row going on on my FB at the moment and EVERYONE's getting involved. My nosiness is loving it. And at least the protagonist has made his standpoint quite clear. Which brings me to...
Please leave your enigmatic emotional pleas at home. Don't tell me a certain someone did a certain something that caused another someone to feel aggrieved. If you want someone to pet you, have the balls to say so.
I love social media. It is a wonderful way to entertain and keep in touch. S'like blogging. Only you don't have to write as much. I find writing difficult so I love having a character limit! I try and make my posts witty and poignant.
Oh and I would quite like someone to pet me now.