Saturday 7 July 2012

My thinking-brain dogs

Having a mental health disorder is not always the roller coaster of fun movies, books and telly lead you to believe. In fact sometimes it's frankly pants. Especially when you can't get dressed, you don't wash and that Lloyds advert with the baby makes you burst into tears. It is also excruciating for your loved ones who obviously want to help but feel completely powerless and can only watch you sit vacant eyed as life passes you by.
But I have found that a dog can really change this and two are even better! They seem to know when I am vulnerable and snuggle round me with a head on my chest to stroke (there is nothing like floppy ears when you are feeling blue).
And of course they need things from me. They need to be fed, exercised and loved. And without me they wouldn't get these things. So I get up, get some clothes on and this in itself starts the healing process.
Without them I would be an even bigger basket case than I am already. So lets hear it for Dana and Juno, the best assistance dogs a girl could ever have. I do love them so.