Saturday 14 April 2012

The kindness of strangers

Ah friends. Those wonderful people with whom you have history, with whom you share crisps at the pub and in some specialised cases, with whom you sneak off to see Twilight -Breaking Dawn. Friends are fabulous creatures and I have to say mine are particularly awesome.

But there has, of late, been a different group of friends in my life. I have no idea what some of them look like, or where they live. I don't even know their true names in some cases. But nevertheless they have been there for me in ways I could never have expected  nor even hoped. 

Online friendship is a strange beastie. Often broached through fora and then strengthened by social media sites, we find ourselves part of a worldwide support group with people who are prepared to just listen to our woes, rejoice in our small victories, coo over our photos and they never even get so much as a pint from us.

I adore my friends. Some of them are bonkers and so am I so that's all right. But I would like to send a special shout out (why yes, I did say 'shout out': I am quite down with the kids doncherknow) to my chums beyond the ether(net). You know who you are and you know what you did and what you have said. Come the zombie apocalypse, I'm running with you! SMOTE!