Friday 27 January 2012

Sibling rivalry

I know people hate it when dog owners anthropomorphise their pets, but I don't care. My girls are my babies and this is my blog so nyah!
This morning started out like most Fridays: after extended family snuggles, I take the munchkins out for their run. Usually this involves throwing the ball for the enthusiastic Juno, whilst Dana potters about looking moody.
Today was different. Suddenly Dana had intercepted the ball and was making a determined sprint for the shed. Ju was hot on her heels and the two raced joyously up and down the garden a few times. Then Dana stopped. She didn't really want the ball anyway. She dropped it but stood very close. Because even though Dana definitely did not want the ball, she didn't want her sister to have it. Whenever Ju made a attempt on the ball, Dana would grab it and run off a little way. Cue much barking and howling on both sides. And if I could speak doggy I'm pretty sure the words "mu-um it's not fair!" would be included.
Eventually, mummy intervened and order was restored.
Later on they tag teamed me. The munchkins have a penchant for my knickers (I know!) Dana made a grab for a lone pair sat ready for the wash. On my command she dropped them only for Juno to snatch up the knicks and make a break for it. I lunged for Ju and grabbed her behind. Quick as a flash, Dana raced past and took the baton right out of Juno's mouth and off down the stairs.
Unfortunately the pants didn't make it. But the munchkins are both snoring on my lap. I don't even know if I can reach my tea....